The Lame Chick: The Empath

I feel all of the things, all of the time…and not just my own. That’s the life of an Empath. I know your heartache. Your fear. Your stress. Your worry. Your doubt. Your anxiety. Your joy. Your excitement. Your pride. Your satisfaction. Your determination. Your regret. Your lust. Your passion. Your love. I feel all …

The Lame Chick: Trigger Warning

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault My existence has been traumatic in different ways, for different reasons, since the beginning. I’ve spent my lifetime trying to cope, trying to suppress, and in more recent years, trying to work through it and heal. I kept my deepest trauma buried the longest, sexual assault. I was reminded today that …

The Lame Chick: Guilt

On this day 10 years ago, as I showered before work, my mind raced. My siblings and I had decided to move back to California. The culture at work had changed drastically, making the environment completely unbearable. My brother had been miserable for quite some time, missing his California friends desperately. And we all felt …

The Lame Chick: Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Days like today can be difficult for many of us. We’re reminded of what we’ve lost. We’re reminded of where we lack. We wear fake smiles, and and pretend everything is okay. Both hoping that no one notices, and wishing that someone would see how deeply wounded we really are. But now, more than ever, …