The Suicide Effect

The Suicide Effect Another year gone But the pain still remains My heart in a vice At the whispering of your name #OriginalContent #TheLameChick #VeteranSuicideAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #PTSD #Depression #Human #WritersNetwork #WritersOfInstagram #WritersCommunity #WritersOfIG #Writer #Blogger #Photography #NaturePhotography #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity #PoetsOfIG #Words #WordPorn #Suicide #Emotions #Love #Feelings #Memories #ExpressYourself #TheLameChickWrites #TheSuicideEffect

The Lame Chick: Self Love

For as long as I can remember, my existence has been one of internal duality…a continuous clash of self-love and self-loathing. My positive attributes have mostly remained unchanged since childhood. I was celebrated for my kindness, my intelligence, my humor. The world around me loved those things about me, so I grew to love those …

The Art of Disconnection

The Art of Disconnection And this is the way that it has to be To finally accept that it’s only me No shoulder to cry on No hand to hold Through life’s toughest terrain I walk alone #OriginalContent #TheLameChick #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #Anxiety #Depression #Human #WritersNetwork #WritersOfInstagram #WritersCommunity #WritersOfIG #Writer #Blogger #Photography #NaturePhotography #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity …

Bleeding Out

Bleeding Out The bitterest of pills That it was all for naught I gave all I had And you kept what you got I’ve yet to find the purpose Of a lesson so surreal Shattered beyond recognition Wounds only death could heal #OriginalContent #TheLameChick #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Human #WritersNetwork #WritersOfInstagram #WritersCommunity #WritersOfIG #Writer #Blogger #Photography …

Love Blindness

  Love Blindness I sought comfort in the depth Of souls laid bare Through the windows of our vessel Convinced I found truth there Adrift in hopeless wonder Love blossomed unseen Deceived by the lies That the clouds have always been #OriginalContent #TheLameChick #WritersNetwork #WritersOfInstagram #WritersCommunity #WritersOfIG #Writer #Blogger #Photography #NaturePhotography #SkyPorn #Clouds #CloudPorn #Poet …


Vagabond Paths less traveled Destinations unknown An aimless wanderer Never quite finding home #OriginalContent #TheLameChick #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #Anxiety #Depression #Human #WritersNetwork #WritersOfInstagram #WritersCommunity #WritersOfIG #Writer #Blogger #Photography #NaturePhotography #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity #PoetsOfIG #Words #WordPorn #ExpressYourself #Emotions #Lost #Wanderlust #Heartbroken #Love #Wanderer #TheLameChickWrites #Vagabond

The Lame Chick: Happy Birthday Ghost Dad

You would have been 57 today. You would have scoffed at the number. You never planned on old age. You would tell us “Live fast. Die young. Leave a good-looking corpse.” For an intelligent man, you were an idiot sometimes. I get that from you. A goofiness people never expect because we’re well-spoken. A penchant …