The Annual Thanksgiving Message ’06

Original livejournal post: 11/21/2006

Music: Violent Femmes – “Kiss Off”

Post title: The Annual Thanksgiving Message
Thanksgiving Madness..

Thank you for your love, for your friendship, for being you.

Thank you for the laughter, the distraction, the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.

Thank you for renewed hope, for brutal honesty, and white lies.

Thank you for caring enough to listen, listening enough to respond, and responding realistically, not just telling me what I want to hear.

Thank you for lending a hand/ear/heart, when I am too proud to ask for help.

Thank you for making inappropriate jokes, at inappropriate times, and usually at my expense.

Thank you for accepting me in all of my dark sadness, for knowing that there is beauty, and love, beneath the surface, and your patience to deal with the intertwining of it all.

Thank you for the love, even when you think it isn’t.

Thank you for trying to understand.

Thank you for letting me do the same in return.

Thank you.

A million times, thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving…

Love Always,


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