Back to the wall… And this ball is outta here!

Original LiveJournal post: 07/20/04

Music: Coheed and Cambria – “A Favor House Atlantic”

Post title: Back to the wall…And this ball is outta here!

I suppose I should make an update that resembles something real.

Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve.

I don’t have the energy for that right now.

I can read your mind. You’re questioning the reason.

“Maybe the old girl actually got a job”, you suggest.

“Hmmm.. Perhaps she made a brilliant escape from the confines of her asylum, and embarked on an adventuresome journey”, you wonder.

“I know! She’s picked up some sort of physically, and mentally challenging hobby!”, you inwardly exclaim with a sudden burst of excitement.

You’re wrong on all counts.

Go you.

Truth be told, these days, my life revolves around my boys.



Countless array of male suitors?

My dear friend, once again, you are sadly mistaken.

The Boys of Summer, are my boys.

The boys on my teams.

My Major League Baseball players.

You silly ass, you should’ve known.



And all the boys that they’ve given away.

Passion. That’s the only way to express my feeling toward my boys, my teams.

Possessive? Very much so. I take my teams very personally.

When they succeed, I feel like a proud parent.

When they fail, my pride doesn’t waiver. My heart breaks more for them, than their own hearts.

Fanatic? Perhaps. When there is a remarkable game, which often happens with these clubs, I will watch the same highlights over, and over again, throughout the night’s coverage, and relive the same emotions every time.

A prime example.. Today the Cards had their final game of the season against the Cubs, their arch rivals. I dragged myself out of bed this morning, after a mere 3 hours of sleep, to make sure I was at the television for the first pitch. There had been major drama during the previous game, Monday night. This game would be sure to offer some excitement.

By the end of the 2nd, the Cards were down 7-1. 8-2 by the end of the 3rd. End of the 5th, 8-2.

The final score.. Cardinals 11 … Cubs 8

They came back from a 6-run deficit to win by 3.

Needless to say, I was emotionally exhausted, and full of a proud mother’s tears by the end of the game. I watched SportsCenter 3 times, and Baseball Tonight, just to watch the highlights, and hear their praises sung.

I was choked up, to the point of tears, every time.

It was the same with the Yankees series against the BoSox a couple weeks ago. Those proud tears still fall with the image of Jeter diving three rows into the stands for a crucial out.

What does this have to do with anything? Absolutely nothing.

Why should you care? You shouldn’t.

Does any of this really matter? As far as I’m concerned, it’s the only thing that matters.

The Yankees are too widely hated to get the respect they deserve.

The Cardinals are too widely underrated to get the respect they deserve.

As of right now, the Cards have the best record in baseball.

As of right now, the Yankees have the second best record in baseball.

I am never one to brag, especially when it comes to my teams.

The Lord giveth, and the Lord can taketh away, and such.

This is for those of genuine faith.

This is for those of pure love.

True passion.

This may all change tomorrow.

They can’t take away today.

Three strikes.

You’re out.

Should the laziness ever go on hiatus, I have loads to say about emotional distress, chillaxin’ with the OGs, the Blues upcoming season/trade decisions..


The 2003-2004 NBA Champion Detroit Pistons.

So incredibly heartworthy.

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