Born Again
The ties that bind are loosened daily
As you more rapidly let me go
I feel myself falling further and further
Approaching a world I’d rather not know
My destination is growing near
Soon venturing into the unknown
Within me there is a building fear
That this inevitable journey shall be made alone
Sheltered I stand in my broken circle
Of comfortable pleasure and pain
Awaiting the seduction of normalcy
To draw me out into the battering rain
Thrust forth by your unspoken words
The perimeter shattered by my body bare
Suddenly I find myself on the other side
As feared, no one was there
Seeing the world through new eyes
Or seeing this world anew
I softly whisper my tearful good-byes
Giving you the release which you were due
The rain is beating harder now
Putting my will to the test
My feeble mind recognizes the circle as home
In this new world, I am but a mere guest
As I struggle to take my first steps
I notice they are few and far between
But I must force myself to press on
For the first time, without you to intervene