From the Archive: Paradise By The Dashboard Light

Original Instagram Post – December 30, 2018 #OnThisDay 37 years ago, two crazy kids got married. It will never be classified as the perfect relationship. Yours Truly was already in bloom, and the world tried convincing them that they were making all of the mistakes. They fought, they cheated, they burned our lives down. Opposite …

From The Archive: Man of The People

Original Instagram Post – August 17, 2018   #OnThisDay 16 years ago, the day after a full arena of #XGames spectators, including myself, collectively held our breath, waiting for @tjlavin to regain consciousness after a gnarly fall, he returned to the venue all smiles. He was willing and eager to oblige all of us fangirls …

From the Archive: Returning Reflections

Original Facebook Post – August 6, 2018 I didn’t know what to expect walking back through those doors that I had dreamed of so many times while we were away…Doors that housed fractured relationships, and broken hearts, but with walls that echoed warmth, and laughter, and love. Doors that I exited as one person, but …