The Lame Chick: Black Friday

In an unprecedented year, gratitude has become more significant than ever. I have found myself appreciative of the most minute things, things I had taken for granted in the past. Big smiles. Warm hugs. Connection. I’ve developed a deeper compassion for the lives around me. There was no way to prepare for the effects the …

The Lame Chick: Rock The Vote

Dear Friends, if you wouldn’t want it done to you, don’t do it to others. It really is that simple. This election isn’t about which candidate supports your interests. It’s about humanity. It’s about tolerance. It’s about standing up against injustice. It’s about protecting our fundamental rights as a human collective. I know compassion can …

The Lame Chick: No Apologies

Life has broken me in more ways than I would ever choose to remember. Sometimes it ignited growth. Sometimes it caused irreparable damage. Regardless of the outcome, it was all transformative. I am a product of my experiences…a collection of the good, the bad, and the chaos in-between. My full story still untold, a soul …

The Lame Chick: Sixteen Years

Sixteen years. Of love. Laughter. Tears. Hugs. Frustration. Friendships. Rivalries. Blood. Sweat. Determination. Disappointment. Perseverance. Adaptability. Broken promises. Healed hearts. Paper cuts. Tape issues. Spiderwraps. Late nights. Early mornings. Call boxes. Miracle work. Learning opportunities. Personal growth. Uphill battles. Loyalty. Sixteen years. Of red. Of constants. Of soulmates. Of LOVE. #FBF #SweetSixteen #HappyAnniversary #BullseyeFamily #BullseyeLife …