The Lame Chick: Suicidal Tendencies

‘Standing at the edge of hopelessness. Light is fading fast. Daunted by the path ahead. Mostly convinced the destination has remained unchanged, regardless of the twisted journey. Inner chaos is forever. There will never be peace. Happiness isn’t for you. Others grow from your pain. Nurtured by your experience. Encouraged by your survival. Servitude is …

The Lame Chick: Essentials

Truth is stranger than fiction. No two days are alike. The scales are constantly fluctuating, no balance to be found. As an Empath I feel all the things. Your fear, your frustration, your anger, your anxiety, your boredom, your entitlement, your panic, your desperation, your hope, your faith, your concern, your love, your camaraderie…A weight …