The Lame Chick: Self Love

For as long as I can remember, my existence has been one of internal duality…a continuous clash of self-love and self-loathing. My positive attributes have mostly remained unchanged since childhood. I was celebrated for my kindness, my intelligence, my humor. The world around me loved those things about me, so I grew to love those …

The Lame Chick: Happy Birthday Ghost Dad

You would have been 57 today. You would have scoffed at the number. You never planned on old age. You would tell us “Live fast. Die young. Leave a good-looking corpse.” For an intelligent man, you were an idiot sometimes. I get that from you. A goofiness people never expect because we’re well-spoken. A penchant …

From the Archive: Battlefield

Original Instagram post – August 27, 2019 In recent years I’ve let go of fear, but never felt more afraid. I’ve followed my heart, but never felt more lost. I’ve seen my greatest joy and deepest pain blend so seamlessly, they became indistinguishable. I’ve embraced my soul, but locked love out in the cold. I’ve …