From The Archive: Man of The People

Original Instagram Post – August 17, 2018   #OnThisDay 16 years ago, the day after a full arena of #XGames spectators, including myself, collectively held our breath, waiting for @tjlavin to regain consciousness after a gnarly fall, he returned to the venue all smiles. He was willing and eager to oblige all of us fangirls …

From the Archive: Returning Reflections

Original Facebook Post – August 6, 2018 I didn’t know what to expect walking back through those doors that I had dreamed of so many times while we were away…Doors that housed fractured relationships, and broken hearts, but with walls that echoed warmth, and laughter, and love. Doors that I exited as one person, but …

From the Archive: 13th Anniversary

Original Instagram Post – October 3, 2017   October 2, 2004…I stepped into that building for orientation. I was completely convinced that this was just a temporary job, a holdover until I found a management position elsewhere. In my interview the STL told me I was overqualified, but they would be happy to have me. …

The Lame Chick on matters of the heart.

In jest I often ask people “how is this my life?”. I don’t expect an answer, and I hadn’t really taken the time to backtrack through Memory Lane, to find the series of events that have brought me to my current juncture. I was having such a moment though, when mid-conversation I became lost in …

The Lame Chick chose life.

I’ve spoken at length about times in my life when death was preferable…the sadness, the hopelessness, and most effectively, the worthlessness. Late nights that found me weighing the pros and cons of death. At the heart of it all, I eventually realized that it wasn’t death that I desired, but the ceasing of existence. I …