The Lame Chick: Depression Goes Into The Woods

Signing up to volunteer at a park clean-up sounded less and less appealing as the day drew nearer, and the weather grew drearier. I awoke this morning to brisk, damp winds thrusting through my window, and my depression-laden being sank deeper into the warm comfort of my bed. My sadness begged me to stay buried, and my laziness made a compelling argument to give my old bones a rest. However, the only thing that makes me feel worse than giving in to my depressed laziness, is abandoning my commitments, and letting people down.

I forced myself onward, and upright, and once again uncovered a truth I often choose to disregard. I am my own worst enemy, and likely, you are yours. I almost had myself convinced that nothing good could come from a journey into the murky woods, surrounded by obnoxious locals. In actuality, I spent a delightful day, in a beautiful forest, with some of my most favorite people. Sure there was a slight chill in the air, and my plaid Converse are now completely encased in mud, but there was a tremendous sense of accomplishment returning at the end of the day with several bags full of trash that is no longer littering the ground. There were instances of heartfelt unanimous laughter, and moments of that mind-clearing peace you can only find in nature.

Every choice we make determines something in our lives. Whether it’s to be happy or sad, restless or satisfied, depressed or fulfilled, etc. Certain parts of our mind try to convince us that we have no choice, that our circumstance and history are who we are, and all we ever will be. I call bullshit. Existence is a reaction to life. There is always a choice of how to do it. Today I reacted to my depression with rebellion. Life passes in the blink of an eye. Choose wisely.

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