From the Archive: On the Six

Original Instagram Post – May 14, 2019

6. 16. 26. 36. In some ways I haven’t changed much through the years. But my heart, my mind, and my soul carry the exhaustion of this life every day. That bright-eyed 6-year old girl had already experienced trauma that this soon-to-be 37-year old is still facing the repercussions of. That tree-hugging 16-year old is en route to being bullied severely enough to drop out of high school, twice. That selfie obsessed 26-year old has just fought her way out of an alcoholic haze, and set herself on a new course through uncharted waters. And that 36-year old has found herself here, in a place she can’t quite describe. She relies on muscle memory to get her through most days, not entirely sure she’s still connected to this plane of existence, life mostly taking place behind her eyes, not in front of them. The sixes have always been times of contemplation. The sevens often call for drastic action. I welcome the storm.

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