From the Archive: You Are Not Alone

Original Instagram Post – June 27, 2019

Down time has always been dangerous for me. People often joke about the amount of time and effort I put into my work, unaware that the moment I stop moving, there is a wave of darkness waiting to suffocate me. Even when my body gives in, my mind is forever trying to outrun that tsunami. I’ve been fighting like hell to keep out of my inner chaos lately, afraid that I’ve let myself become too vulnerable, that I’ve shared too much of myself, afraid that if this current wave catches up to me, all the flotation devices in the world won’t be able to save me. I go through these phases occasionally, where life is unrelenting, and I have to maximize my effort to find the joy, to find the balance. I’m strong. I’m a fighter. I always have been. But sometimes I struggle. And that’s okay. Sometimes I temporarily forget what is worth fighting for, and that’s okay too. But that’s why I think it’s so important to be able to have these conversations, to speak your truth without fear of ridicule. We all struggle at times. We all feel defeated. Or unloved. Or unappreciated. Or like we’re not good enough. Or hopeless. Sometimes we need to be reminded that those moments are temporary, before they become our final resting place. Life is a rollercoaster. No one should feel like they have to ride it alone, especially when there’s enough room for everyone. 🖤

#RealTalk #ThursdayThoughts #Depression #Anxiety #Human #Emotions #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #LifeLessons #YouAreNotAlone #IKillWithMyHeart #TheLameChickWrites

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