On The Road Again

Original LiveJournal post: 08/24/04

Music: Portishead – “Numb”

Post title: On The Road Again

Almost a year to the day, we shall be moving again.  It won’t be across the country though..not yet, anyway.  This move isn’t by choice, as we will most certainly be cut off from civilization for a while.  I’m not sure I’ll be able to survive without my daily dose of Baseball Tonight.  So, if you never hear from me again, know that I slit my wrists for the love of the game.

  I really should finish packing, but the thought isn’t appealing in any way.  I think I’ve done more than enough for one day.  I eliminated two boxes worth of my stuff today.  For those who know me, that is just unheard of.  I tend to save everything.  I’m real big on memorabilia.  Memorabilia, and brownies, apparently.  I still have my pink leather backpack from first grade, and school work dating back almost as far.  Dozens, and dozens of papers full of doodles, and personal thoughts.  It’s safe to say that I’ve been a writer my entire life, and one that is lacking in artistic ability.

  One of the more interesting things I found, while digging through my life’s work, was more recent.  Late 2000/early 2001, I started doing psychological case studies.  I picked four subjects, that I thought were complete opposite individuals, and began logging any data I could.  Conversations, personality traits, behavioral patterns, history, etc.  It’s actually quite fascinating to look back on now.  I must say, I was right on the money.  Most of them are still suffering  at the hand of their own character flaws.  The endeavor didn’t last long, as I bore easily.  What a shame though.  I would’ve liked to have seen how far the study could go.

  My grandparents are flying out here this weekend.  I can hardly contain my excitement.  We’ll probably only see my grandpa for a day, as he will be attending some health retreat in San Diego.  My granny will be staying with us though.  In 22 years, I have never gone so long without seeing my grandmother.  I’m already dreading the day she leaves.  I wish we could stay in this house until after her visit.  That was the original plan, but alas, where there’s a whore, there’s a crushed dream.

  The Cardinals will be in town in a couple weeks.  I’m trying to work out a way to go with Grams & Gramps.  That’s Jessie & Armando, not my grandparents.  I think it’ll be so neato for them to meet my grandma.  I’ve told her all about them over the years.  It’s hard enough to explain the internet and its relationships, but try explaining “pretend internet grandparents”, that are the same age as you, to your technologically-impaired grandmother, and you’re in for a treat.

  Hmmm.. What else..

  I’ve been watching Olympic coverage, daily.  I so adore the Summer Olympics.  Though, the 2002 Winter Olympics had some of the most exciting hockey games I’ve ever seen in my life.  I remember I had to work during one of them.  It was probably the longest shift of my life.  I had three different people sending me updates on my cell phone every few minutes.  Have I ever mentioned that I am absolutely fanatical when it comes to what I love?  Well, I am.  These games have been quite enjoyable, thus far.  I wish the swimming and gymnastics didn’t have to end.  Michael Phelps was simply amazing.  He is my sister’s new love.  It’s nice for her to have someone her own age reach an iconic level.  It gives you a sense of pride in your youth.  The gymnastic scoring was entirely too controversial.  I’m pretty sure those judges have been indulging in a little too much powdered pleasure.

  I thought the US going 1-2-3 in the Men’s 400m on the track was pretty neato.  Though, if it were up to me, Otis would’ve gotten gold.  I’ll let Whitey have it though.  Silver is much prettier anyway.

I <3 Otis Harris.

Ick.  I so totally do not want to move.  I’m already having nightmares about that shit hole.  If it weren’t for Grams & Gramps, and Andrew, I’d be a pile of ash right now.  Their friendship has prevented me from dousing myself in gasoline, and taking a nap upon the lit stove.  The ability to say the right things, at the right time is far too underrated.  I love, love, LOVE them.  If I didn’t fear STDs, I’d sex them all up real good.

It’s always healthy to end it on a coital note.

I must go think up a way to stall the move for another day.

Happy wishes to most of you..

Until we meet again..


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