Rant.. Rant.. Rant..

Original Livejournal Post: 01/26/2005

Music: Silverchair

Rant.. Rant.. Rant..

I called my mom a cunt today.

She wanted to “bash my skull in”.

She claimed that’s a word that has always offended her.

“I kicked a lot of asses for that”.

I told her she was a moron for being offended.

‘Waaa. Someone called me a vagina. Waaaaa!’

She’ll probably maim me before the day is over.

I hate working..

But I hate having days off.

So cool am I.

This is my third day off..

And I’m about to go out Kurt Cobain style.

Every time my sister bitches about something, I want to punch her in the face. All she does is bitch about our situation, and ramble on and on about how much she hates my aunt. She basically blames her for everything. However, she’s going to be 20 years old, and has yet to have a job, or make an attempt to finish her education. Her world consists of video games, cartoons, and Yugi cards. I swear, all that’s missing is some weed. Then she has the nerve to bitch at me for not having the extra money to “go out to eat”.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I just spent $1,000.. That’s ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, this holiday season getting her and my brother everything their heart desires, to try to make up for how shitty our situation has been since moving out here, and I barely get even a “thank you”. Sometimes, it makes me sick to my stomach. Sometimes it simply makes me want to die. I kill myself physically, as well as emotionally to take care of these kids, who are far from being “kids”, and all I’m usually left with is heartache.

I hate seeing my sister this way. I’m literally watching her waste her life away. She’s angry at the world, and blames someone for every frown that has ever crossed her face. She takes absolutely no responsibility for anything. I’m disgusted that I have this anger toward her, but I can’t help it. I just want to smack her across the face, and tell her to wake the fuck up.

I’ve been so stressed lately.

My face actually broke out.

Apparently I’m 13 again.

We may be moving by the weekend.

If it weren’t an “apartment”, I’d swear it were a crackhouse.

“Fuck The World” is spray-painted everywhere.

“Welcome To The Coo-Coo’s Nest” is written in glitter gel on the door..

Which someone cleverly spray-painted “Go AWAY” over..

There’s drawings all over the walls..

Everything is trashed..

The kitchen is spray-painted in polka-dots..

Did I mention my aunt kicked out the previous occupants because they were drug dealers?

I’m gonna try to take some pictures before the cleaning process..

Show them to the folks back home..

Maybe they can start a relief fund or something.

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