Ride the Wave

Years, they pass in waves.
Some slow and steady.
No seismic shift.
We wade through the waters tentatively, cautiously optimistic.
Others hit hard and fast.
Rippling throughout the ocean of our lives forevermore.
We hold on, hoping we can still stand once it has come to pass.
To do so without any shifting of direction or perspective is unrealistic.
We evolve.
We adapt.
We keep moving forward the best way we know how.
We change.
We grow.
We let go.
Some of us sink.
Some float.
Some soar.
Regardless of where it may merge, the ocean is ours alone.
You control how you deal with the flow.
You control what you allow to breed in those waters.
You control the extinction of what no longer serves your ecosystem.
Control is yours.
Act accordingly.

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