The Lame Chick: Be The Light

I am grateful for this life. For my path, however twisted it has been. I have seen the value in every soul encountered. I see the purpose in every tear shed, the lesson in every experience. I learn, and I grow. I heal, and I evolve. I’ve spent this lifetime trying to help others do the same, without judgment…often to my own detriment. Over the last few years, I’ve come to accept that my path belongs to me, as yours belongs to you. It isn’t my place, or that of anyone else, to tell you how to walk it. The most we can do is offer navigational tips along the way. Life will always happen. There will always be lessons, and hardships, and curveballs. Your power lies in how you choose to respond in those moments. You are strong. You are powerful. You are capable of so much more than you realize. Even the slightest shift in perspective can make a world of difference. My hope for you, Dear Reader, is that you find the light within. Choose to see yourself for how incredible you truly are. Understand that you alone have the power to forge that path forward. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in the universe, God, source, Mother Earth, whatever it is that you believe in. Believe that everything is always working toward your greater good, even if you haven’t quite figured out how. Open yourself up to the magic and beauty of this life and your unique existence. Whoever you are, wherever you are, whenever you are…I am grateful for you. 💗

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