The Lame Chick: Black Friday

In an unprecedented year, gratitude has become more significant than ever. I have found myself appreciative of the most minute things, things I had taken for granted in the past. Big smiles. Warm hugs. Connection. I’ve developed a deeper compassion for the lives around me. There was no way to prepare for the effects the new normal would have on the psyche, especially in the long term. I try to remind myself that we’re all just doing the best we can. We’re humans…flawed, emotional, free-thinking. Nothing about this year has felt familiar, or comfortable. And as I reflect on that reality, I can’t help but feel grateful. We’ve been tested, challenged, pushed beyond our preconceived limits, and yet we continue to grow, move forward, and press on. My driving force has always been love, and this year more than ever, has shown me how incredibly fortunate I am for those of you placed on my path. My strength, and my will, and my joy, are all reflections of you…and for that I am truly thankful. 🖤
#Grateful #GratefulHeart #TiredSoul #Thanksgiving #Love #Chaos #Emotions #Human #BlackFriday #FriendsAreTheFamilyYouChoose

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