The Lame Chick: Breathe

Growing up in chaos gave me a quick adaptability…honing the skills to be both quiet observer, and active participant simultaneously. My brain operates at high capacity to keep up with the world around me in the only way I know how, full survival mode. At all times. At all costs. The mental and emotional exhaustion of this existence takes a toll little can repair. I love hard. I care deeply. I fight furiously, for myself, but more often for the sake of others. I push myself beyond the limits set before me because I know when I finally burn out, it will be indefinitely. I have rarely known peace. When I find those brief moments of it though, I try to capture it. A reminder that it is possible, that there is beauty and joy to be found in stillness. A hope that some day my inclination won’t be to run from it. Love and nature, the only things powerful enough to reach into my soul and let it breathe. We don’t allow ourselves enough of these moments, but without them life is suffocating. 🖤

#OriginalContent #WednesdayWisdom #RealTalk #WorldPhotographyDay #NaturalBeauty #PeaceInNature #NatureLover #NaturePhotography #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #LifeLessons #ItsTheLittleThings #Moments #Trauma #Love #ExpressYourself #Wanderer #Emotions #ImJustDifferent #TheLameChickWrites #Breathe

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