The Lame Chick: Coming Home

Yesterday was the 4 year anniversary of my return to the store in that parking lot. It was the exclamation point on a week of chaos. As I sat and stared at the sunset after another long, physically and mentally demanding day, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude. There have been times when I have cherished this place above all else, and times where it has felt like a prison. My restless soul has been combating the urge to run for months. Tethered by obligation, and loyalty, and love. When darkness whispers in my ear, it tells me I am insignificant, inconsequential. I serve no purpose. There is nothing for me here. My presence doesn’t matter, and it never did. Though that insecurity, disappointment, and doubt have whispered incessantly, it has been love that shouts the loudest, shaking my core. Whenever I get lost, someone is there to guide me home, reminding me why I chose to come back here. This family has evolved in ways I couldn’t have imagined 4 years ago, in ways I didn’t know I needed. So even on my darkest days, when I want to run, or punch things, or cry myself to sleep, I am grateful…for where I am, who I am, and those who continue to elevate the joy in my journey. 🎯💗

#OriginalContent #SappyPost #Anniversary #SaturdayVibes #SkyPorn #Sunset #NaturalBeauty #LifeLessons #BullseyeLife #BullseyeFamily #StrongerTogether #MentalHealth #LifeIsWhatYouMakeIt #Love #FriendsAreTheFamilyYouChoose #Soulmates #TheLameChickWrites #ComingHome

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