The Lame Chick: Eighteen Years

🎯 When I came to you 18 years ago, I was broken. I was lost. My voice not yet found. No sense of purpose. No source of pride. Zero confidence. Pushing myself through each day for the sake of my sibling’s survival. I had nothing to hold on to. I was losing hope that my parents would ever recover, that our lives would ever be more than chaos, that anyone could ever love me, that my existence mattered. I took this job to temporarily fill an immediate financial need. What I received was more than I could have possibly imagined, more than I knew I needed. I found joy. I found laughter. I found direction. I found purpose. I found strength. I found confidence. I found support. I found my voice. I found hope. I found love. I found my people. I found a family…several of them, actually. You’ve helped me grow to heights I didn’t think I was capable of and enriched my soul on the deepest levels. For wherever our paths crossed in the Bullseye Journey, I am grateful. I wouldn’t have survived without you. I wouldn’t have evolved without you. I wouldn’t be who I am without you. For that, I will love you, always. 🎊🎯💗

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