The Lame Chick: Enough

I’ve always been one to breathe such a fire into my relationships, I never believed love could die. Over the last couple years, as I have journeyed through my evolution, I’ve spent less and less time fanning the flames. The pieces of my heart that have been scattered into various places across my history, are growing colder and more difficult to locate. As time passes, I find myself missing them less. Forever grateful for the memories attached to them, as they shaped who I am, and who I’ll become, but no longer seeking validation in my bonds with others. Voices of the past convinced me for too long that I’d never be enough, dragging me down like an anchor. Keeping me from standing up, from speaking up, from being. I’ve wasted so much time trying to fit into what was wanted and/or expected of me, I fear there isn’t enough time left for a meaningful existence. Whatever that turns out to be, it will be authentically me. I am who I am, whether that’s enough for you is of no consequence, because for the first time, it’s enough for me. 🖤

#OriginalContent #TheLameChick #WednesdayWisdom #RealTalk #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #ExpressYourself #SelfEsteem #SelfCare #SelfLove #IAmNotYourCarpetRide #IAmTheSky #BeYou #TheLameChickWrites #Enough

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