The Lame Chick: Essentials

Truth is stranger than fiction. No two days are alike. The scales are constantly fluctuating, no balance to be found. As an Empath I feel all the things. Your fear, your frustration, your anger, your anxiety, your boredom, your entitlement, your panic, your desperation, your hope, your faith, your concern, your love, your camaraderie…A weight so heavy I have to suppress it all to be able to function, to be able to smile, to be able to offer a level head, and support, and guidance. By the end of the day I’m as emotionally exhausted as I am physically. We’re all stumbling through the unknown, trying our best to navigate chaos. Our reactions are the only real control we have right now. Be kind. Be compassionate. Be understanding. Be a light in the darkness. Or at the very least…don’t be a dick. 💁‍♀️🖤

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