The Lame Chick: Exposed

Two years ago I was triggered into an episode that broke me. It shifted my psyche profoundly. I have spent the time since trying to work through the emotional mess it created. Most overwhelmingly though, it made me realize I don’t want to run from the full human experience any more. Keeping myself closed off and hidden for the majority of my life has been exhausting. Experiences are power, and knowledge, and growth…even, and maybe especially, the traumatic ones. I’ve put a tremendous amount of effort into opening up, and accepting myself enough to BE myself. Some celebrate it, some hate it. It makes some people uncomfortable, and others warm themselves with my fire. I am being more true to myself than I ever have been, regardless. Allowing myself to fail and succeed in those moments has been a struggle at times, but giving myself the space to feel, and hurt, and grow without ridicule lets forward motion resume eventually. When we find ourselves in our darkest hour, it’s the best any of us can do…Always keep fighting for the light. 🖤

#OriginalContent #TheLameChick #SoulSunday #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #RealTalk #Healing #LifeLessons #MovingForward #LearningToLetGo #IAmNotMyDarkness #ImJustDifferent #Human #Emotions #ExpressYourself #Trauma #ThisIs39 #GratefulHeart #TiredSoul #TheLameChickWrites #Exposed

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