The Lame Chick: Friday Feeling

My heart is full, overflowing with gratitude. I buried myself so deeply in self doubt and regret over the last year, I had lost sight of my true purpose. I needed to be reminded of why my life has had to unfold in this dark, distorted manner. I needed to be reminded that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. I needed to be reminded of what I value most. It has always been you. People. Connections. Relationships. The human experience. Helping others find their way. Today I was brought to the brink of tears several times because I was so overwhelmed with love, appreciation, and gratitude. I am grateful to those who light my darkness, because it allows me to continue lighting the darkness for others. I am grateful to those who make me laugh, because it allows me to trigger smiles in the most unlikely of people. I am grateful to those who have treated my chaos with patience and kindness, because it fuels my own compassion. I am grateful to those who wrap me in love, because it allows me to envelop everyone else in it. My heart is full. I am grateful. I love you.


#OriginalContent #TheLameChick #LateNightThoughts #Restless #Perspective #Gratitude #LifeLessons #LifeIsWhatYouMakeIt #GratefulHeart #Emotions #Vulnerability #LightTheDarkness #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #ExpressYourself #Love #TheLameChickWrites #FridayFeeling

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