The Lame Chick: Happy

These thoughts from the notebook of a 17-year old me struck a chord today: “Most people don’t realize when they are happy. The average person sees happiness as a distant, unobtainable dream. They aren’t able to appreciate the little joys life blesses them with. It usually takes something of cosmic proportion to compel a person to proclaim happiness. I find that to be a sad. By nature society takes life for granted. No one is ever satisfied. There is always something to complain about, always something that could be better. Whether knowingly or not, everyone strives for perfection. It is instilled in us from the day we are born. To be born in the great country of America is to strive for all it’s excellence. And unless that is achieved, it is a rare occasion that you recognize genuine happiness. Every day I’m alive, I’m happy. Every day I wake up and my family is alive and well, I am happy and grateful. There’s a particular way the sun hits the trees on a breezy day that just makes me joyful. I become happy when I see people laughing and enjoying themselves. I am happy when I see people appreciating the work and art of others. I am happy when I see people respecting and welcoming another culture. A true smile makes me happy. If you sit back and think about it, you realize just how happy you really are. It’s amazing what we allow ourselves to miss out on.” – 01/21/2000

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