The Lame Chick: Happy Birthday Ghost Dad

You would have been 57 today. You would have scoffed at the number. You never planned on old age. You would tell us “Live fast. Die young. Leave a good-looking corpse.” For an intelligent man, you were an idiot sometimes. I get that from you. A goofiness people never expect because we’re well-spoken. A penchant for poor life choices because we follow our hearts. My compassion. My work ethic. My love of true crime, and history, and chocolate. I am more your daughter than I realize at times. I spent so much of my life determined to be your opposite, I never could have imagined a day where I’d treasure our similarities. But here I am, celebrating another one of your birthdays without you here, grateful for the ways that your essence still manifests. I miss you every day…flaws and all. Happy Birthday. 🖤

#HappyBirthday #BirthdayInHeaven #GhostDad #ForeverMissed #DaddysGirl #ForeverKindOfLove #AddictionKills #LoveYouBigMuch #KaIsAWheel #TheLameChickWrites

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