The Lame Chick: Happy Birthday SD

I took this photo on our last day of Manor Middle School. The bus driver gave us Fun-Dip as we exited, riling up an already giddy crowd. High School was waiting on the other side of summer break for all of us, but none of us would come out the same way we went in. I had been taking photos all day, of cheesing faces, and heartfelt goodbyes. I was thrilled to be nearing the end of my film roll when someone suggested the pyramid as a final pose. I remember being so irritated when you ruined it by throwing yourself across the boys instead of taking the proper formation. In my frustrated laughter I snapped the shot anyway, only to be irritated all over again when I got the pictures developed. And here I am, 20+ years later, on what would have been your 37th Birthday, smiling at this image…Grateful to have captured a memory that is so incredibly you. Happy Birthday, SD. 🖤

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