The Lame Chick: Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Days like today can be difficult for many of us. We’re reminded of what we’ve lost. We’re reminded of where we lack. We wear fake smiles, and and pretend everything is okay. Both hoping that no one notices, and wishing that someone would see how deeply wounded we really are. But now, more than ever, I’ve been finding myself grateful for the journey. Grateful for those placed on my path. Grateful for the love that we’ve shared. Grateful for the lessons we’ve taught eachother. Grateful for the time we’ve had, and the experiences that have shaped the person I continue to become. I wish the same for you, Dear Reader. May we continue to grow and evolve. May we continue to learn to open our hearts and minds. May we express sincere appreciation and gratitude every day. Good. Bad. It’s all part of the journey, it’s how we choose to respond to it that makes the difference. Happy Thanksgiving. 💖

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