The Lame Chick: Hidden

10 years ago today I narrowly escaped being raped and murdered in a subway station. I was 100lbs heavier, and clothed nearly up to my neck, en route to a funeral. It was just after 7AM in one of the most populated cities in the world. I didn’t ask for it. My body wasn’t a “Welcome” sign. My existence wasn’t an invitation. I could feel him staring at me the entire time as he made his way across the train car. He had a knife on his belt. He kept sucking in his bottom lip and biting it. When I tried to leave, he grabbed me from behind and dragged me off the train, toward the tunnel. I fought like hell to break free. I ran for my life, and I hid. I am still processing. I am still healing. I am still growing. But I am not hiding anymore. 🖤

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