The Lame Chick: Journey

Anxious. Chaotic. Displaced.
My emotional energy is without bounds. It builds. Neither up nor down, but somewhere in between.
I keep pushing toward an end with no destination in sight.
Peace is on the surface, but I can’t quite draw it in.
It’s coming. Hold the vision. Keep the faith.
The same messages cycle over and over. But the energy never stills, and left to my own devices, I can’t quite harness it.
I spin out in every direction, never knowing where I’ll land.
I trust in the Universe to guide this journey, that I’ll only ever land where I’m meant to.
But there are times where it feels like an endless fall.
Isolated, and aimless.
Speeding past outstretched hands along the way.
Plateaus of warmth and sunshine on the periphery of the scene as I fly by.
And then I just suspend, in a state of nothing until the next descent.
Little bubbles of love and joy keep me afloat until the journey resumes.
Over time it wears. Impatience grows.
I find myself chasing the bubbles, trying to hold on for dear life, but they pop in the end, like all bubbles do.
And I’m left with nothing but faith, memories, and that filmy residue as the only tangible proof that existence is real at all.
My growth has been in the embrace of it all, understanding that the fall is an integral part of the journey.
It’s where strength, resilience and determination are born.
It’s where will, and faith are tested.
It’s where we learn to surrender control and let hope light the way.
The deeper we get, the more everything prior comes into focus.
You begin to see who you really are, and how you came to be.
Every disappointment, heartbreak, hinderance, trial, and tribulation.
All you’ve overcome to forge this current person into being.
The journey never ends.
There is always more to learn, more to achieve.
More joy to spread and experience.
More love to give and receive.
The fall becomes less scary when you learn to appreciate the ride, when you realize you’ve been falling the entire time, and it’s only ever landed you where, and at who, you were always meant to be. 💜

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