The Lame Chick: Let It Go

Your Girl has been going through it lately. On my deepest levels. The raw ugly shit we don’t like to face. Or deal with. Or talk about. The things that hold us captive, and inhibit our growth. The things that cause us to feel shame, or ridiculous, or uncomfortable. The cold hard truths, and disappointing realities. The fear. The sadness. The insecurity. The things that hurt us. The things that cause us to hurt others, however unintentional it may be. The things we cut from the narrative, preventing anyone from truly knowing us because we’re not confident enough to reveal the full picture. We fall victim to imagery and ideas of what we should be, what our lives should be. We’re unable to accept our own flawed humanity, and that of those we hold in the highest regard. We deny ourselves opportunities for genuine joy, and true happiness because we’re desperately afraid to fail. To make the wrong choices, the wrong decisions. To be alone. To be judged. To be left behind. To be less than what we perceive those around us to be. Dear Reader, let it go. Life is short. Each moment is precious. You deserve your happiness. You are worth more than whatever your inner dialogue has been telling you, whatever the insecurity in others has been telling you. Be honest with yourself about who you are, how you were forged, and all you’ve overcome. Your existence is incredible, flaws and all. Start acting like it. 🖤

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