The Lame Chick: Let Them Know

When you find yourself wondering why I express my love, appreciation, and gratitude the way that I do, it can be traced back to the loss of the boy in the yellow hat. 16 years ago he took his life. He was one of the humans I adored the most in the world…and I never told him. He always knew how and when to cheer me up. He made me feel significant when most of the world around me tried to make me feel as though I didn’t matter. He made me feel safe, and protected. He made me laugh until it hurt. At times he annoyed me beyond measure, but always knew when to turn up the charm just enough. Throughout my teens he was a constant. A lifeline. His existence was impactful. He made a difference. I wish I would have told him. I wish I would have thanked him. I wish I would have let him know that regardless of where life took us, I would always be in his corner. I wish I had told him how much he meant to me. I wish I would have told him I loved him. Let your people know. Even if it feels weird. Even if you think they know already. Even if you’re afraid of being judged. Let them know. A few seconds of your own discomfort could be more meaningful to someone than you can possibly imagine. 🖤

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