The Lame Chick: Losing A Lost Boy

For the last few days words have escaped me. Trying to wrap my mind around the loss of such a brilliant light in this world seems futile. Addiction offers no purpose, it serves no greater good. But let there be a lesson in this for all who knew and loved Derek. I was raised by heroin addicts, and lost my Dad to his addiction. Nothing about it is simple or easy. Addiction is a constant battle, every day, for the rest of your life. Never take the struggle of someone you love lightly. Never accept their answers at face value, because addicts are crafted liars and manipulators. Offer support, offer encouragement, let them know you understand that they are not their disease. But remember that you cannot save them. You cannot fight the battle for them. To truly recover they have to commit themselves to that fight every day. Unfortunately, with narcotics all it takes is one moment of weakness, one snap decision can extinguish a beautiful flame forever. Knowing that I will never hear that big charismatic laughter fill a room again makes the world feel colder.

I love you, Sweet Boy. Your struggles are over. Rest peacefully. 🖤

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