The Lame Chick: On The Edge

For me to truly evolve, I know I must let my foundation crack at the deepest level. I know it. I believe it. I feel it in my soul. I don’t know if I’m ready for it. The emotional curveballs have been unrelenting as of late. I mentally exhaust myself trying to ‘grow through what I go through’. I’ve retreated inward, trying to peel back the layers, to heal wounds at the core. It’s difficult. It’s painful. It has made me face things I had willingly ignored. It has shifted my perspective. Realigned my focus. It has broken my heart. It has amplified my appreciation for some things, and caused me to feel disappointment in myself for others. Sometimes I fear being lost completely, and sometimes I crave the freedom of it. I am teetering on the edge. A breakdown? A breakthrough? Only time will tell. Regardless of the path, I trust that my journey will lead wherever it’s meant to. I will never be able to fully express my gratitude for those who have come along for the ride, your love drives me forward. Always. 🖤

#OriginalContent #TheLameChick #SaturdayVibes #GeminiSeason #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #RealTalk #MyEmotions #Anxiety #Depression #EndTheStigma #Broken #Healing #LifeLessons #ExpressYourself #IAmNotMyDarkness #TheLameChickWrites #OnTheEdge

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