The Lame Chick: Rock The Vote

Dear Friends, if you wouldn’t want it done to you, don’t do it to others. It really is that simple. This election isn’t about which candidate supports your interests. It’s about humanity. It’s about tolerance. It’s about standing up against injustice. It’s about protecting our fundamental rights as a human collective. I know compassion can be a foreign concept these days, allowing ourselves to turn a blind eye on matters that don’t directly effect us, but that selfishness is a plague on this nation. When you are casting your vote for issues you’re passionate about, but their representative encourages violence and discord amongst races, you are voting for racism. When you are voting for issues you’re passionate about, but their representative is a sexual predator, you are voting for sexual predation. When you are voting for issues you’re passionate about, but their representative doesn’t believe in science, you are voting for ignorance. When you are voting for issues you’re passionate about, but their representative doesn’t believe women are equals, you are voting for misogyny. When you are voting for issues you’re passionate about, but their representative doesn’t believe people of the LGBTQ community are equals, you are voting for homophobia. You are voting for transphobia. You are voting for bigotry. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All men are created equal. You either value human life, or you don’t. That’s the real decision being made. Choose wisely. 💗

#OriginalContent #TheLameChickWrites #ChooseWisely #Humanity #Equality #RiseUp

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