The Lame Chick: Seventeen Years

On this day, 17 years ago, my Bullseye journey began. The continuing spiral of our parent’s addiction had catapulted us across the country, and the transition from East Coast to West Coast had been a difficult one. We were borderline homeless, and I needed a job. I’ve spoken in the past about my hesitance to apply, about the bullying that almost led to me quitting within my first month…And I’ve spoken of the shifting of my path that followed, fueled by the unlikely encouragement I received after a store “chat session” a few weeks later. As I sit here, floating through memories, I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude. We called the house in this picture The Shack. It was where we lived for the first few years of my Target career. We had no stove, no heat, no hot water. The glass of several of our windows had been replaced by pizza boxes. There was a hole in the middle of the living room floor, so you could see straight down into the dilapidated garage. Eventually part of the roof caved in on my sister and I, leaving a tarp as our only protection from the elements. I’ve spent most of my life fighting for survival. This was nothing new, but these circumstances were more severe than I had experienced in my short adulthood. At first this job was just a steady source of income. I picked up every shift I possibly could, worked all the overtime they would allow, because for me it was the difference between life and death for my siblings and I. As time passed it became my refuge, and the team became my family. As I held them to me, they held my brother, sister, and I. All these years later, that still holds true. The kindness, generosity, and compassion I’ve been granted through the years, within the different sets of red walls, and beyond, back and forth across the country, is more than I will ever be able to fully acknowledge or even comprehend. I wouldn’t be who I am. I wouldn’t be where I am. I wouldn’t have survived, without you. ❤🎯

#OnThisDay #OriginalContent #TheLameChickWrites #HappyAnniversary #BullseyeLife #BullseyeFamily #SeventeenYears #Soulmates #Constants #FriendsAreTheFamilyYouChoose #Gratitude #GratefulHeart #Love #October2 #LifeIsWhatYouMakeIt

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