The Lame Chick: Thankful 2021

Internally this year has been one of tremendous transformation. I started healing things that had been so severely damaged, I had long since forgotten that wasn’t their natural state of being. I’ve let people in to some of my darkest corners. I’ve shared stories of my deepest wounds. I’ve worn my broken heart on the outside because hiding our humanity does more harm than good. My experiences, my trauma, my suffering, my survival, have all helped me form deeper connections with the world around me. That is what I am finding myself most grateful for these days. The souls on my path. The bonds that we’ve formed. Those of you who light my darkness, and those who allow me to light theirs. When I’m down, when I’m dejected, when I’m defeated, when I feel like hope is lost, you somehow always find a way to remind me that we all have purpose…and it is significant. I am thankful. I am grateful. I am overwhelmed with love in abundance. 💗

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