The Lame Chick: The Rebuild

In this lifetime I have shattered more times than I can count. As I grew older I took a lot of pride in my ability to put myself back together. Rebuilding the same broken girl. Hoping each time would be the last. But inevitably, the pattern would always repeat. Time after time. Piece by piece. Occasionally something wouldn’t fit anymore, but I would still try to force it, because that was easier. It’s easier to blame luck, or fate, or circumstance. We often don’t believe we’re worth the effort it takes to truly grow and heal. We’re afraid to be honest with ourselves and those around us. We’re afraid to let the broken pieces go, because even when they hurt us, they’re comfortable. They’re known. If we continue to fear total reconstruction, we stunt our own growth. We never fully heal. We never evolve. We deprive ourselves of fulfillment, living with purpose, and finding genuine happiness. While trying to repair my last break, I finally realized the pieces just don’t fit anymore. That broken girl hasn’t felt happiness, loved, or connected in a long time. She just settled and accepted. Though I’m not entirely sure what the new pieces are made of, I will continue trying my best to grow with them, trusting that whoever I am becoming is who I was always meant to be…because I deserve that. We all do. For ourselves, and for eachother. 🖤

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