The Lame Chick: The Shift

Lost in thought is my natural state of being. I’ve always been more introspective around my Birthday though. Analyzing what lessons this trip around the sun has taught me, gauging my personal growth, if any. Reevaluating the who, and the why, and the what I surround myself with. Lately Your Girl has been shifting at steeper angles than the past had previously allowed. It has caused a disconnection from things I never believed I could, and an embrace of similar extremes. Some appreciate the journey and continue to hold on for the ride, some exit at the nearest stop because I no longer cater to their whims. Either way forward motion proceeds. What I have finally come to accept in my old age is that we are the masters of our destiny. The only person responsible for your happiness is YOU. How you choose to react to whatever your circumstance may be has a direct effect on the trajectory of your life. We waste too much of our lives wishing, waiting, and depending on others, time that we will never get back. My hope for you, Dear Reader, is that you make the most of what you have in any given moment. 🖤
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