The Lame Chick: Undo The Damage

Over the last few years I’ve grown to realize that we exist primarily in two energies, love, and fear. Everything we feel can be traced back to one of those things. Rarely do we put in the effort to find the root of what really upsets us, to identify our true triggers. Why do certain things devastate us, while others just roll off our backs? How can one statement send us soaring but presented in a different tone ignite a spiral? Why are the highs so fleeting, but the lows are like being stuck in the mud? It can be an emotionally draining path to pursue. This, however, has been a huge part of my healing journey. When we better understand how and why we came to be, it makes for a more aware, and often-times smoother transition into who we are striving to become. Feeling your emotions is important. The key is to not get lost in them. Easier said than done at times, I know, but the more you open yourself up to exploring them, the faster you’ll begin to heal those parts of you that are triggered. Like anything, it’s a process, but you get back what you put into it…and I promise, it’s worth it. I keep allowing myself to break into millions of pieces because each time I put myself back together, I’m stronger than I was before. I’m more resilient than I was before. I’m wiser than I was before. Not everyone will understand, and they aren’t meant to, but the sooner you start investing some of that time and energy that you pour into everyone else into yourself, you will begin to heal. You will grow. You will evolve. You will live more freely. You will love more deeply. And you will soar. Endlessly. 💗

#OriginalContent #TheLameChick #FridayFeelings #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #Healing #Healer #HealTheWorld #Emotions #Trauma #Triggered #Psychology #ShadowWork #Broken #Love #SelfLove #Anxiety #Depression #AlwaysKeepFighting #YouShouldSeeMeInACrown #TheLameChickWrites #UndoTheDamage

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