The Lame Chick: Worthy

As a child of addiction, I had no knowledge of it. I didn’t understand it as a disease. On the surface it appeared as a choice. So, in my adolescent mind, my parents chose drugs over my siblings and I. I took those instances of neglect personally. I internalized it. If I were better, they would choose me. If I were smarter. If I were more talented. If I were kinder. If I were prettier. If I worked harder. If I were better…if I were enough. But I never was. No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much of myself I gave, the “choice” was always the same. It shattered my belief system. It hindered my growth. It held me back from being my authentic self. It prevented me from living the life I wanted, because I didn’t believe I was worthy of it. Throughout my history, I found myself with people and in situations that made me feel similarly because I sought in them what I didn’t realize could only be found within myself…the belief that I was enough. Dear Reader, anyone or anything that causes you to feel otherwise isn’t for you. It isn’t about you. And it has nothing to do with you. We’re conditioned to paint ourselves as victim or villain. Flip that internal dialogue. You are the Hero of your life story. You’re your own Champion. You are worthy. You are loved. You are valued. You are appreciated. Just as you are, for who you are. You are enough. 💜

#OriginalContent #TheLameChick #ThursdayThoughts #Confidence #SelfEsteem #SelfLove #SelfWorth #Trauma #Healing #HealTheWorld #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #AddictionAwareness #BeYourself #YouAreEnough #Love #Faith #PositiveVibes #Positivity #TheLameChickWrites #Worthy

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