The World I Used To Know

Original LiveJournal post: 11/10/04


Post title: The World I Used To Know

Today at work I greeted a guest with a friendly,

“Good morning”

In reply, she asked how I was doing.

To that I replied..

“Good, and yourself?”



Small talk at best.

The Guest: I’m good, thanks.

Me: Glad to hear it.

The Guest: Yeah. I’ve realized that too many people don’t really take the time to appreciate life.

I agreed.

The Guest: This weekend, I received a message from a friend in my prayer group. Her son, who is in 6th grade, woke up with stomach pains one morning, that simply would not go away. After a few tests, it was found that he had Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, and was told he only has a month to live. Can you imagine that? Sixth grade.

Me: (Shaking my head) I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s absolutely horrible.

The Guest: Yeah. It is. I hope you don’t think I’m a bad person, and I know it sounds weird, but later that day, after I had taken it all in, it put me in a brighter mood about my life. I realized that I have a lot to be grateful for, and that there is always someone suffering more deeply than you.

Me: Something like that definitely makes you put things into perspective.

The Guest: Yes it does. You take care, and have a blessed day.

And with a wave of her hand..

She was gone.

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