The Lame Chick starts anew.

Blank canvas.

Clean slate.

Vast abyss at my fingertips.

I would like nothing more than to fill you with my love.

To burden you with my pain.

Seek out your wisdom in a world of fools.

But there is much to lose.

And things far too precious to gain.

The war within is raging.

So once again, I seek refuge in open space, because that is where I find the most comfort.

Every time I set sail in one direction, an unfathomable wind spins the vessel of my mind like a pirouetting ballerina-gone-wild.

Perhaps I subconsciously embrace the chaos, welcoming any distraction to avoid facing the truth..

I have no idea what I want.

Maybe that’s a lie.

Maybe I do know what I want.

Maybe I just can’t accept the impossibility of it.

In the stillness, I sense doom…and plead for joy.


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