Third Degree Of A Broken Heart

Third Degree Of A Broken Heart

Another tear has fallen

Much against my will

I swore it wouldn’t happen

Yet here I’m crying still

My heart once again swollen

A raw mass of pain

Inevitable is this emotion

When facing the insane

The longing is for nothing

But I’m grasping at the air

I wrap my love around it

Knowing it isn’t there

I’m lost without a map

No compass, and no light

Why am I still here?

What has caused my fright?

I know there’s something more

Which I’ve hidden deep within

What is it I’m searching for?

Please relieve me of this sin

Has it been for me

Or has it been for you?

My questions thirst for answers

Tell me what to do

Why am I so stubborn?

Why can’t I just let go?

Why do I sit here asking

What I already know?

Maybe I hope the answer will change

Secretly praying that it isn’t true

I have developed my own hell

From the taste of heaven delivered by you

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