Why Am I Updating? Because I Can!

Original LiveJournal post: 07/07/05

Music: John Denver – “Annie’s Song”

Post Title: Why am I updating? Because I can!

I’m tired, and cranky.

And hungry.My cell is being turned off today.Parents, you ROCK.

I miss my phone already.

Even though it’s still on, technically.

Tim has to have surgery on his ankle next week.

It sounds like a blast.

He said Steph is starting to show.

I wish I could go see her.

I was just looking at the rest of Huong’s wedding pictures.

She looked like a princess.

Absolutely beautiful.

Overwhelmingly happy.

Marriages, babies..

It’s all so close to home.

It’s all so foreign.

I can’t even bring myself to move out of the family’s house.

I feel as though I’m stumbling blindly toward some great unknown.

Which, I suppose we all are, in some way.

But this “unknown” is something bigger.


I hope I’m ready.

I hope I’m strong enough.

I hope I’m awake.

I love you..

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